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The pictures on this site are all made with a camera mounted on a microscope.

On the picture above you can see my working place, and my Olympus BH2 microscope as well as my stereo scope with digital camera and PC monitor screen. 

The crystallizations were photographed through a compound microscope equiped with polarization filters.

By manipulating the incoming light the crystals become visible and optically colored. By turning one of the filters those colors can be changed. Adding so called 'retarders' of mica or plastic the colors can be even more differentiated, depending on their optical properties.

Something more about polarization is found under 'About Microscopes'

The pictures you're about to see are all made with a digital camera mounted on a microscope. 

My technique is not exact. I never measure anything, and every trial is different and the outcome unpredicatable. Most of the time I used more than one chemical, often two, three or more. The names you see are often not exact. because I sometimes added something in the course of the process which is not named (or not remembered!).  

Trying to copy the results is pointless, for crystals, outside controlled laboratory settings, never behave the same way. 

The best way to look at these pictures is from an aesthetic viewpoint. That's what I do: making beautiful pictures. I hope they open up a new dimension for all people still capable of wonderment.  

There are no books or manuals available. It all comes down to one's own creativity. But I'm always open to microscopists who seriously want to try it themselves . Contact me if you have questions.

One important point needs mentioning: the surface area that is photographed is always 1mm² or less. That is extremely small. 

All the details you are about to see fit into that 1mm².


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